This was my day....
I woke up (late - it was suppppposed to be 5:50 and my mom woke me up at 7:15).
I went to school. I wore my pajama pants for yoga class. I turned in like 40 pages of homework from when school was closed for the H1N1 (swine flu).
I came home. DID MORE HOMEWORK with my tutor. Ate macaroni and cheese.
I went to gym for three hours. I did really ok on bars and floor.
I HAVE A BLISTER ON MY HAND (see my picture)
Now I have to do more homework. Whatever.
G-night. C ya manana (missing ~).
ouch! Can't believe your school was closed for the piggy pandemic! Bummer you had to do HW and didn't get just a break!
Wow Chloe. I think it sounds like you certainly have one tough life. I mean really.
I think you need a massage.
Hi baby! I Love you very much
You are my champion
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